DikuMUD editors
- AE Available at
ftp://ftp.game.org/pub/mud/diku/merc/editor/ae124.zip. For DOS. Merc only.
- AEWin Available from wuarchive.wustl.edu? For Windows. Costs $10
before you can save. Merc, Diku and ROM. Customizable. Any resolution.
Available at ftp://ftp.lexiconn.com/pub/mud/.
- AreaCreator. Available from
Circle 3.0. Win 95.
- AreaEd
Does Helliconia
file format, which is a ROM 2.4 derivative. For Win 3.1/Win 95.
Interesting map feature.
- Areator Available from ftp://ftp.pvv.unit.no/pub/mud/diku/areatorv.52.tar.Z
For Unix I think. Includes C source. DIKU.
- BGDAC 2.0
(Barnyard Guys Diku Area Creator) Available from
ftp.netcom.com /pub/jd/jdaro.
Windows, 312k. Diku and Circle. Does not edit existing
files, although they promise that in the future and also HexOnyx
compatibility. Was
called DikuEdit at one time.
- ChaosEd
Unix; binaries for linux, aix, BSD, Solaris,
Ultrix, and SunOS. Chaos Wastes format (Envy 1.0 derivative?). No source.
- CIRCEDIT Windows 95/NT Circle Editor.
- CWE and CME
Unix GUI Circle editors.
- Dikued For DOS/Unix/Macintosh/Amiga.
Includes C source. Available on many FTP sites, but not on the World Wide Web.
For DOS/Linux/Source, you can get it from
For Mac, you get it from here.
For other platforms/versions.
do a search for 'dikued' with Fast FTP Search to get it.
- Dyermaker. This program is written in Perl, so it should
work with any machine that can run Perl. Includes Perl source. Envy 1.0.
Download from Mac OS MUD Zone.
- Emud. Available from
ftp://flower.aud.temple.edu/pub/mud/kaos/EMUD/. Windows 95/NT and older DOS/OS2 version.
Reads DIKU and Circle, writes Kaos.
- Muditor The last version I have seen of this was 0.42 for DOS,
dated 1991. Source is $20. It was sort of like DikuEd. Diku.
- MZF Available from
http://www.snible.org/mud/ftp/mzf16.zip. Windows 3.1.
Merc, Envy1, and (maybe) soon ROM 2.4. Wants 800x600.
- MZF-32i
Available from http://www.snible.org/mud/ftp/mzf32.zip. Windows NT/95.
Merc, Envy1&2, and (maybe) soon ROM 2.4. Wants 800x600.
- Sirak's Muditor
For DOS. Now versions for Merc, Envy2, and as well as TFC format.
- SPAM. Windows. Merc and ROM 2.3. Can be obtained from
Muddy Plains
and ftp.game.org
- WE04a No longer available. For Windows. Seems to not like certain
area files. Merc 2.1. At only 63k, this program was a
decent room/mobile/object editor. This program has been discontinued by
the author, although Archie can find it.
- Wormhole For Circle. DOS. Can be obtained from
Mike's Place
(If anyone knows of an editor for the Macintosh, let me know and I will
add it to this list. For Macintosh clients and servers, see
The Macintosh MUDding Resource Page).
If you would like to see new links or ideas on these pages please emailme at the address below.
Maintained by esnible@acm.org
Mud area building software and links
Last updated April 2, 1997.