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Journals frequently cited
- Numismatic Chronicle, years 1875-1909. (See Num. Chron. for online issues.)
- Numismatische Zeitschrift; ii (1870?), ix, x (1878), v. 18 (1886), xx, 1871 (vol 3), 1884 (vol 6), 1886 (vol 18), 1891 (vol 23), 1895 (vol 27), 1902 (vol 34)
- Rev. Num. 1843, 1853, 1860, 1864, 1866, 1870, 1877, 1885, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1902, 1903
- Z. f. N., i (1874), iii (1876), v (1878), vi (1879), vii (1880), viii (1881), ix (1882), xi (1884), xii (1885), xiii (1886), xvi (1888), xvii (1890), xx (1897), xxi (1898), xxiv (1904), xxvi (1908).
(Google also has these volumes, apparently not cited by HN: ii (1875), iv (1877), x (1883), xiv (1887) (with xv?), xx (1897)
Journals occasionally cited
- Ann. de Num., 1884 (Annuaire de la Societe francaise de Numismatique)
- Annali dell’ Inst., 1866, Monum. (Annali dell’ Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica. Rome)
- Arch. Zeit., 1848 (Archäologische Zeitung)
- Berliner Blätter fur Munz- Siegel- und Wappenkunde, 1870, v.
- Congrès de Num., 1900 (Congrès international de Numismatique)
- Ephemeris Arch., 1889, 1890 (Ephemeris Archaeologike)
- Jahrb. Arch. Inst., XIII, 1888 (Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archëologischen Instituts) (vol xiii is 1898?)
- J.H.S. xxiii, xxvii, 1897, 1907 (The Journal of Hellenic Studies)
- Journ. int. d'arch. num., 1898, 1902 (Journal International d'Archéologie Numismatique)
- Nomisma (v. Fritze). I
- Periodico di Numismatica, volume 6
- Riv. Ital., 1894 (Rivista italiana di numismatica e scienze affini)
- Rev. Suisse, XIV (Revue Suisse de Numismatique)
- Sitzungsber. d. Berl. Akad. d. Wiss., 1896 (Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin)
- Transactions of the Moscow Num. Soc., iii, 1905
- Transactions of Soc. Bibl. Arch., ix (Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology)
- Hôtel Drouot, Sale Cat., Dec. 1907 [1 citation]
- Hirsch, Auct.-Cat., xiii (‘Nachlass eines behannten Archaolgen’, Munich, May 1905) [about 20 citations, 58 plates.]
- Ashburnham (Earl of). London, 1895 [5 plates, 2 citations]
- Photiades Sale Cat. Paris, 1890. [8 plates, 6 citations]
- Margaritis Cat. Paris, 1874. [3 citations]
- E. F. Weber Sale (Hirsch, Munich, 1908) [61 plates. 3 (5?) citations. Reprint Forni 1970.]
- Montague Sale Cat. London (= ‘Well-known collector’ 1894?) 1896,1897 [5 citations, 2 plates?]
- O'Hagan Collection (Sale-Cat.), London 1908 [1 citation]
- Walcher de Molthein, Cat., Rollin and Feuardent, Vienna, 1895. [3 citations, 31 plates]
- ‘Late Collector’, Sale-cat, Sotheby, London, 1900. [1 citation, 10 plates.]
- Strozzi Sale Catal. (Galerie Sangiorgi, Rome, 1907) [2 citations] Reprinted Forni 1974
Books (collections and catalogs)
- Berlin Catalog (Königliche Museen. Beschreibung der antiken Münzen) [about 25 direct citations]
- Corolla Numismatica Numismatic Essays in honour of B. V. Head. [about 5 citations]
- BMC volumes: Corinth, Cilicia, Thessaly, Cent. Gr., Crete, Mysia, Cyprus, Ionia, Troas, Lycia, Lydia, Galatia, Greek and Scythic Kings of Bactria/India.
- Macdonald, Hunter Catalog
- Burlington Fine Arts Club Catalog (Hill), 1903 [2 citations]
- Kunsthistorische Sammlungen der Allerhochsten Kaiserhauses. Beschreibung der altergriechisgen Munzen, Band I, J. von Schlosser, 1893. (5 plates, 1 citation (as ‘Vienna Cat.’))
- Dumersan, Description des Médailles antiques du cabinet Allier de Hauteroche, 1829 (cited as Cat. Allier) [2 citations]
- Lemmé. Catalogue de Médailles du Bosphore Cimmérien. Paris, 1872 (cited as Cat. Lemmé) [1 citation]
- Babelon, Traite
- Babelon, Inventaire de la Collection Waddington, 1897
- Babelon/Bibliotheque Nat., Les Perses Achéménides, 1893
- Babelon/Bibliotheque Nat., Les Rois de Syrie, &c., 1890
- Bompois, Médailles grecques autonomes frappée dans la Cyrënaïque, 1869
- Bompois, Observations sur un Didrachme inédit de la ville de Ciérium en Thessalie, 1876
- Brunsmid, Inschriften und Münzen der griechischen Städte Dalmatiens, 1898
- Burachkov, Catalogue of Coins of the Greek Colonies on the Coast of S. Russia, &c., 1884
- Carelli, Numorum Italiae veteris tabulae ccii., 1850
- Dressel, Goldmedaillons aus dem Funde von Abukir (1906)
- Evans, Horsemen of Tarentum (from Num. Chron., 1889)
- Evans, Syr. Medallions (from Num. Chron., 1890, 1891)
- Fox, Engravings of unedited or rare Greek Coins (I and II) 1856, 1862
- Friedlander, Die Oskischen Münzen., 1850
- Garrucci, Monete dell’ Italia antica, 1885
- Gardner, The Types of Greek Coins, 1882
- Giel, Kleine Beiträge zur antiken Numismatik Südrusslands, 1886
- Head, Coinage of Syracuse (from Num. Chron. 1874)
- Head, Coins discovered in the British Museum Excavations at Ephesus [The Archaic Artemisia], 1908
- Head, The Coinage of Lydia and Persia, 1877
- Hill, Coins of Ancient Sicily, 1903
- Heiss, Mon. ant. de l'Espagne, 1870 [AKA Monnaies antiques de l'Espagne]
- Holm, Geschichte des sicilischen Münzwesens (in vol. iii. of his Geschichte Alterthum), 1898
- Imhoof-Blumer, Choix de Monnaies grecques, 1871
- Imhoof-Blumer, Monnaies grecques, 1883
- Imhoof-Blumer, Griechische Münzen (there are multiple works with this title by this author... research which ones.)
- Imhoof-Blumer, Nymphen und Chariten auf Griechischen Münzen (in Journ. Int., 1908)
- Imhoof-Blumer, Lydische stadtMünzen (in Rev. Suisse, 1897. Also reprinted.]
- Imhoof-Blumer, Porträtköpfe auf antiken Münzen hellenischer und hellenisierter Völker, 1885.
- Imhoof-Blumer, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., Rev. Suisse 1908
- Imhoof-Blumer, Kleinasiatische Münzen (vol II), 1902
- Imhoof-Blumer and Gardner, Num. Comm. on Paus., (in JHS, 1885-6)
- Imhoof-Blumer and Keller, Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf munzen und gemmen, 1889
- Kubitschek, ? (plate 14, Arabia Felix) (perhaps his book Rundschau..., 1896?)
- Lambros, Anagraphae ton nomismae. taes kurias Ellados. Peloponnaesos , 1891.
- de Luynes, Essai sur la numismatique des Satrapies de la Phénicie, 1846
- Mayr, Die antiken Münzen der Inseln Malta, Gozo und Pantelleria, 1894
- Millingen, Sylloge, 1837
- Mionnet, Suppliment II; IV (1830s)
- Müller, Numismatique de l'ancienne Afrique (1860-1874, also other works)
- Oreschnikow, Beiträge (is this the same as Zur Münzkunde des Cimmerischen Bosporus? Need a work where plate 1 is Carcine in Tauric Chersonesus, turreted-head/horseman....)
- Overbeck, Griechische kunstmythologie, ?
- Pick, Ant. Münz. N.-Gr., I., 1898
- Pinder, Uber die Cistophoren, 1856
- Prokesch, Inedita, 1854
- Reinach, L'Histoire par les monnaies, 1902
- Reinach, Trois royaumes de l'Asie Mineure: Cappadoce, Bithynie, Pont., 1888
- Salinas, Le monete delle antiche città di Sicilia, 1867-1871
- Sambon L, Monnaies de la Presqu'ile italique, 1870
- Sambon A, Les Monnaies antiques de l'Italie, 1903-4
- Sestini, Descrizione della serie consolare del museo di Carlo d'Ottavio Fontana di Trieste
- Sestini, Descrizione d'alcune medaglie greche del museo Fontana, 1822
- Svoronos, Numismatique de la Crete ancienne, 1890
- de la Tour, Atlas des monn. gauloises, 1892
- Waddington, Mélanges de Numismatique, 1861-7
- Waddington, Voyage en Asie Mineure au point de vue numismatique, 1853
- Weil, Die Künstlerinschriften der sicilischen Münzen (Winckelmannsfest-Progr. 44), 1884
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