The coins of Axum do not properly fall within the scope of a manual
of Greek numismatics, since they do not begin before the fourth century
of the Christian era at the earliest, and are mainly derived not from
Greek but from Roman prototypes, although they bear inscriptions in
Greek letters. It is sufficient here to refer to the following publications,
where the extant coinage of the kingdom is discussed: Dillmann, in
Abhandlungen d. Berl. Akad., 1878, pp. 177-238, and 1880, pp. 1-51;
Prideaux, in Num. Chron., 1884, pp. 205-19; Von Sallet, in Z. f. N.,
xviii (1891), p. 201; Halévy, in Rev. Sémitique, 1896, p. 365; Dressel,
in Z. f. N., xxi (1898), p. 238.