For coins inscribed ΑΙΟΛΕ see Lesbos, p. 559, infra.
Aegae (Nemrud Kalessi), like Temnus, lay inland. It is doubtful whether its coinage begins before the third century (see, however, B. M. C., Troas, p. lviii; cf. Imh., Kleinas. M., p. 46). Apollo Chresterios was worshipped at this city (B. M. C., Troas, p. 98). On the Goat’s head as παρασημον, see Papers of American School, i. 27.
Head of Athena. | ΑΙΓΑΕ Goat’s head r. AR 33 grs.
Head of Apollo. | „ Id. Æ .7-.35
Head of Apollo; bow and quiver at neck. | ΑΙΓΑΙΕΩΝ Zeus, naked, standing,
holding eagle and sceptre; all in oak-
wreath. AR 243.2 grs.
Head of Apollo. | ΑΙΓΑΕΩΝ Goat. Æ .65
Head of Athena. | „ Zeus standing with eagle.
Æ .75
Other Æ types:— Head of Hermes, rev. Forepart of goat; Nike; Lyre.
Imperial—Augustus to Trajan Decius. Also quasi-autonomous. Inscr. ΑΙΓΑΕΩΝ. Types: Cultus-statue of Apollo with fillet and branch (B. M. C., Troas, No. 22; Z. f. N., xx. p. 275); Athena; River-god ΤΙΤΝΑΙΟC; Bust of ΕΙCΙC (Imh., Monn. gr., p. 270), City-goddess (?) riding on wolf (Imh., Monn. gr., p. 270, No. 212).
Magistrate. Usually, Strategos. Also ΑΓΩΝΟΘΕΤΑC (Imh., Gr. M., p. 631); title Νεμεονικης, victor in Nemean Games (Z. f. N., xx. p. 276).
Alliance coin with Myrina.
Autocane, apparently identical with the town Cane, or its harbour- town (see Imhoof, cited B. M. C., p. lxii; Pauly-Wissowa, s. v. Autokane).
Head of Apollo. [Z. f. N., xi. p. 50, Pl. I. 3.] |
ΑΥΤΟΚΑΝΑ Female head in stephane.
Æ .3
Head of Zeus, laureate, facing. [Z. f. N., xi. Pl. I. 4.] |
ΑΥΤΟΚΑ Wreath. Æ .5
Head of Zeus. [Imh., Monn. gr., p. 271; Hunter Cat., ii. p. 305; cf. Imh., Gr. M., p. 631.] |
ΑΥΤΟΚ or ΑΥΤΟΚΑ Head of Athena
Æ .6 and .4
Boeone, conjectured from its coins to have been an Aeolian town near Larissa Phriconis (cf. B. M. C., Troas, p. lxi).
Female head. [B. M. C., p. 101.] | ΒΟΙΩΝΙΤΙΚΟΝ Bull standing. Æ .45
Cane, see Autocane.
Cyme (Namourt), one of the oldest and noblest of the Aeolian cities (B. M. C., Troas, p. xlix), probably a colony of Cyme in Euboea, though according to tradition it was founded by the Amazon Kyme (cf. Imhoof, ‘Die Amazonen auf griech. Münzen,’ in Nomisma, ii. p. 1 f.). Its inhabitants were mainly agricultural, and averse to seafaring.
Forepart of horse; beneath, sometimes,
![]() |
Incuse square and smaller inc. sq., each
containing star.
AR 186 grs. (Aeginetic stater).
Forepart of horse. | Incuse square with floral device and
smaller inc. sq. with star.
AR Aeginetic stater; also hemi-
Tradition points to an early issue of electrum or gold at Cyme (B. M. C., Troas, &c., Introd., p. xlix f.), and some uninscribed electrum pieces may possibly belong to it, although from their weight and fabric it is more probable that they were issued at Chios (Babelon, Traité, p. 334).
Horse prancing; beneath, flower. [B. M. C., Ionia, Pl. I. 26.] |
Quadripartite incuse square.
EL. Stater 215 grs.
ΚΥ Eagle’s head. | Incuse square. AR 8-6 grs.
[Babelon, Traité, p. 338.]
ΚΥ Eagle. | Forepart of horse. Magistrate’s name.
AR 94 grs.
ΚΥ Head of horse. | Rosette. AR 14 grs.
[N. C., 1902, p. 332.]
ΚΥ Forepart of horse. | Rosette. AR 5 grs.
Eagle’s head. | Rosette [Z. f. N., xx. 277]. Æ Size .45
Eagle. | ΚΥ Vase with one handle. Æ .5
ΚΥ Eagle. | Forepart of horse; above, vase with one
handle. AR 28 grs.
Eagle. Magistrates’ names. | ΚΥ Forepart of horse; various sym-
bols. AR 32 grs.
Eagle. Magistrates’ names. | ΚΥ Vase with one handle. Æ .7-.45
ΚΥ Forepart of horse. Magistrates’ names. | Vase with one handle. Æ .7
Female head (the Amazon Kyme, foun- dress of the city). | ΚΥ Vase with one handle. Magis-
trate’s name. Æ .45
Head of Kyme. | ΚΥ Forepart of horse; symbol, vase
with one handle. Magistrates’
names. Æ .7-.55
Head of Kyme. | ΚΥ Horse standing with fore-leg raised;
two monograms. AR 162 grs.
Head of Kyme. | ΚΥ Horse standing, fore-leg raised;
symbol, vase with one handle; ma-
gistrates’ names. Æ .95-.75
The silver coin may perhaps be as early as the reign of Antiochus I of Syria (B.C. 293-280), who, as well as Antiochus II, had a mint at Cyme (see Macdonald in J. H. S., 1907, p. 147 f.).
Head of Kyme. | ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ Horse standing; fore-leg
raised; symbol, vase with one handle.
Magistrates’ names: whole in laurel-
AR Attic Tetradrachm and Drachm.
[Imhoof, Kleinas. M., p. 47.]
ΚΥ Forepart of horse. | Bow and quiver. Æ .55
Bust of Artemis. | ΚΥ Vase with one handle. Æ .65
Tablets and styli. | ΚΥ Kantharos. Æ .65
[Imh., Kl. M., p. 47; cf. B. M. C.,
Troas, &c., Cyme, No. 95; and
for other Æ see B. M. C., Troas,
&c., p. 112 f.]
Imperial—Nero to Gallienus. Also quasi-autonomous. Inscr. ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ. Types: Head of Amazon ΚΥΜΗ. Kyme, ΚΥΜΗ ΑΙΟΛΙC, holding globe and trident; also as Amazon. Swan. Eagle. River-god ΕΡΜΟC (Hermos). River-god ΖΑΝΘΟC. Homer ΟΜΗΡΟC seated and his mother Kritheis of Cyme (Imh., Monn. gr., p. 273, No. 224 A). Horse with forefoot raised. Archaic cultus-statue (Artemis ?). Naked athlete carrying prize-crown on his head entering the precincts of a temple (B. M. C., Troas, p. 120; according to Drexler, Z. f. N., xxi. p. 188 = Tantalos supporting globe). Poseidon in chariot with Amymone or Kyme. Athena. Head of the CΙΒΥΛΛΑ of Cyme (Imh., Kl. M., p. 47). Isis and Horus (Imh., Kl. M., p. 511).
Magistrates. Strategos and ΑΝΘΥ · ΕΠΡΙΩ · ΜΑΡΚΕΛΛΩ · Γ · (Eprius Marcellus, Proconsul, A.D. 70-73 (Wadd., Fastes, No. 96).
Alliance coin with Myrina (Imh., Kl. M., p. 510).
Elaea (Klisé-Keui: B. M. C., Troas, p. lii). Under the Pergamene Kings, the port of Pergamum.
Head of Athena. | ΕΛΑΙ Olive-wreath: inc. sq.
AR 20 grs.; AR 6.4 grs.
Id. | Olive-wreath; in centre, pellet.
AR 21 grs.
Head of Athena. [Fox, ii. p. 9.] | ΕΛ Corn-grain in olive-wreath.
AR 49 grs.
Head of Athena. | Corn-grain between two olive-branches
Æ .4
Id. | Olive-branch between two corn-grains.
Æ .35
Id. | ΕΛ Corn-grain: olive-wreath. Æ .8-.4
Id. | ΕΛΑΙ Horseman: olive-wreath. Æ .6
Imperial—Augustus to Hostilian. Also quasi-autonomous. Inscr. ΕΛΑΙΤΩΝ. Types: Athena; Zeus; Head of Persephone or Demeter; Poppy-head in olive-wreath; Kalathos with poppy-heads and ears of corn; Rape of Persephone; Asklepios, olive-tree, poppy-head, &c.; Two torches entwined by serpents; Chest (in fisherman’s net) from which Auge, priestess of Athena, issues (B. M. C., Troas, p. liii f.); ΜΕΝΕCΘΕVC ΚΤΙCΤΗC Head of Menestheus, rev. Asklepios. Magistrate. Strategos.
Grynium, 40 stadia from Myrina (B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. liv and 133), had an oracle and fine marble temple of the Grynean Apollo (cf. coins of Myrina). Pliny (N. H., xxxii. 6, 21) mentions the ostrea that came from the neighbourhood of Grynium and Myrina.
Head of Apollo facing. | ΓΥΡΝΗΩΝ (sic) Mussel-shell. Æ .7-.45
Larissa Phriconis (Bourounjik) in the Hermus valley.
Female head in sphendone. | ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙ Amphora. AR 17.2 grs.
[N. C., 1902, p. 332.]
Similar head. | ΛΑΡΙ Amphora; above, grapes. Æ .7
Bearded head. | ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙ Amphora; in field, corn-
grain. Æ .85
Female head. | ΛΑΡΙ Amphora; above, grapes. Æ .45
Head of river-god. | ΛΑ Head of Apollo r. Æ .4
[Imh., Kl. M, p. 511.]
Id. [Z. f. N., xx. p. 281 f.] | ΛΑ Head of ox. Æ .45
Myrina (Kalabassary) on the Pythikos. The chief types refer to the Apollo worshipped at Grynium (q. v.), but an amphora, apparently, con- stituted the town-arms (B. M. C., Troas, &c., lvi). Circ. B.C. 400 Myrina was ruled by the tyrant Gongylos (brother of Gorgion; cf. Gambrium, Mys.). Bronze pieces with a monogram on the rev., supposed to be his, have been doubtfully assigned to Myrina (N. C., 1894, p. 317; Hunter Cat., ii. p. 310).
Head of Athena. [Z. f. N., iii. p. 321 f.] |
ΜΥ Bust of Artemis facing. AR 28 grs.
Id. | ΜΥΡΙ Amphora. Æ Sizes .65-.4
Head of the Apollo of Grynium. (Fig. 289.) | ΜΥΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ Apollo of Grynium in
himation standing holding phiale
and laurel-branch; in front, omphalos
and amphora. Various monograms.
The whole in laurel-wreath.
AR reduced Attic Tetradr.; also Dr.
Head of Apollo. | ΜΥΡΙ Amphora. Æ .7-.6
Head of Helios. | „ „ Æ .5
Also Alexandrine coins; Müller, Nos. 933-942. On coins of Anti- ochus II, King of Syria, struck at this mint, see Macdonald in J. H. S., 1907, pp. 152-155.
Imperial—Claudius (Imh., Kl. M., p. 511) to Gordian III. Also quasi- Autonomous. Inscr. ΜVΡΙΝΑΙΩΝ; ΜVΡΕΙΝΑΙΩΝ; rarely ΑΙΟΛΕΩΝ ΜVΡЄΙΝΑΙΩΝ (N. C., 1898, p. 110). Types: Apollo; Athena; Artemis; Dionysos; Telesphoros; Bust of ΜVΡΕΙΝΑ, the Amazon foundress; Temple with Apollo of Grynium.
Magistrate. Strategos. Alliance coin with Aegae (q. v.) and with Cyme (q. v.).
Neonteichos. See B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. lxi.
Head of Athena. | ΝΕ (in mon.) in centre of coin. Æ .45
Id. | „ „ Owl. Æ .65-.4
Temnus, a town near Neonteichos, identified with Hassan Agha and Dere Keui. The παρασημον was probably a bunch of grapes (B. M. C., Troas, p. lx).
Head of Apollo. | ΤΑ Kantharos. AR 14 grs.
[N. C., 1899, p. 99.]
Head of Dionysos bearded. | ΤΑ Grapes. Æ .45-.3
Head of young Dionysos. | ΤΑ Grapes (sometimes in vine-wreath).
Æ .75
Head of Apollo. | ΤΑ Vase and bunches of grapes.
AR 27 grs.
Head of Dionysos. | ΤΑ Grapes. Æ .5
Id. | „ Athena standing, holding Nike and
bunch of grapes. Æ .75
For Alexandrine coins see Müller, Nos. 952-966.
Imperial—Augustus to Philip jun. Also quasi-autonomous, third century, to Gallienus. Inscr. ΤΗΜΝЄΙΤΩΝ; ΤΑΜΝΙΤΑΝ (time of Augustus). Types: Athena; Bust of ΖЄVC ΑΚΡΑΙΟC; Bust of CΑΡΑΠΙC; Asklepios; Aphrodite standing (Z. f. N., xx. p. 283); Kybele; Two Nemeses; River-god ΕΡΜΟC; Homer seated; Head of City-goddess ΤΗΜΝΟC. Magistrates. Strategos; also name and portrait of Asinius Gallus, proconsul of Asia, with epithet ΑΓΝΟC (B. M. C., Troas, &c., p. 146, No. 24).
Tisna, the Titanus of Pliny, H. N. v. 30, in the neighbourhood of Cyme and Aegae (cf. B. M. C., Troas, p. lxii; p. 149).
Beardless horned head (the River-god Tisnaios or Titnaios). | ΤΙΣΝΑΙΟΝ One-handled vase.
[Imh., Monn. gr., p. 275.] Æ .7-.45
Id. | ΤΙΣNΑΙ Spear-head. Æ .4
[Z. f. N., xx. p. 284.]
Id. | ΤΙΣΝΑΙΟ. Sword in sheath. Æ .5
[Imh., l. c.]
Beardless head; hair short. | ΤΙΣΝΑΙΟΣ Sword in sheath. Æ .45
[Imh., l. c.]