P. 88.
Thurium. Among the bronze coins of Thurium struck after B.C. 300
is the following :—
Head of Zeus r., laur. [Garrucci, Pl. CVII. 3.] |
ΘΟΥΡΙΩΝ Eagle l. on fulmen [Brit.
Mus.]. Æ 1.1
P. 182.
Agathocles. Tetradrachm similar to Fig. 105, but with ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΙΟΣ before the head of Persephone on the obv. instead of ΚΟΡΑΣ
behind it: no inscr. on rev. (Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., p. 250).
P. 229.
Antigonus, ‘King of Asia.'
Tetradrachm of Alexander’s types. Rev. ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΟΥ; in field l.,
trident-head; beneath throne, Α~ (Num. Chron., 1909, Pl. XX. 1).
Demetrius Poliorcetes. Tetradrachm of Alexander’s types. Rev. ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ; in field l., club and Ε (Ibid., Pl. XX. 2). These coins were probably struck in the East, before the year B.C. 306. as they are without the title βασιλευς.
P. 232.
Philip V. Gold staters (Rev. Num., 1883, p. 65).
Head of the hero Perseus r., beardless, wearing winged helmet ending at top in griffin’s head; in front, harpa. | ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Club, in
field, mon. ![]() AV 132 grs.
Head of Philip V r., diademed. | ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Herakles
beardless, laur., standing l., holding in
r. rhyton, and in l. club and lion-skin.
Paris (De Luynes) AV 132.5 grs.
P. 256.
Abdera. Time of Ptolemy Euergetes, B.C. 246-221 (?).
Head of Ptolemy III (?) r., wearing winged diadem; aegis at neck; border of dots. [Imhoof, Zur gr. u. röm. Münzk., Pl. IX. 9.] | ΑΒΔ[Η]ΡΙΤΩΝ Griffin recumbent l.;
in front, Star. Æ .75
On the chronological sequence of the autonomous coins of this city see especially Die autonomen Münzen von Abdera, by H. von Fritze, in Nomisma, Heft III, 1909.
Head of Athena. [Rev. Num., 1866, p. 220.] |
[ΟΙ]ΣΥΜΑΙΩΝ Herakles kneeling,
drawing bow. Æ Size?
P. 486.
Melos. The important hoard of Melian staters referred to supra,
p. 486 n., has recently been fully described by M. R. Jameson in Rev.
Num., 1909, pp. 188 ff. It consisted of some 79 staters of the Phoenician
standard (circ. 220 grs.), exhibiting no less than 31 different reverse types.
With the single exception of an oenochoë (op. cit., No. 26), the obverse type
from first to last is the pomegranate, or rather quince (μηλον), the type
parlant of the island. The inscription usually, but not always, present, in
full or abbreviated, on the reverse is ΑΛΙCΝ,
ΑΛΙCΝ, and later
ΜΑΛΙΟΝ. The reverse types comprise, in addition to those already
mentioned supra, p. 486, the following :—Four-pronged fork; Wasp on
bunch of grapes; Triskeles; Pentagram; Murex (?); Fig-leaf; Two caps
of Kabeiri, one on top of the other; Gorgoneion; Four grains of corn
in star-form, with ivy-leaves between them; Amphora; &c.
The coins in this Find seem to range from circ. B.C. 500 or later to
B.C. 416, the date of the conquest of Melos by Athens, and they prove
that, during this period, the island must have been, at any rate within
its own territory, the most wealthy of all the Aegean islands. The survival, down to the middle of the fifth century at least, of the Phoenician
forms of the letters Μ ( and
) and Ο (C), and of the Phoenician weight-standard, indicate that the influence of the original Phoenician settlers
was still strong in spite of the later Dorian immigration. The extraordinary variety of the types, and the fact that no specimens have been
found outside Melos, lead us to suppose that their circulation was mainly
local, and that they represent successive issues probably struck on the
occasions of recurrent religious festivals, chiefly perhaps connected with
the worship of the Phoenician Kabeiri, of the Libyan Ammon (cf. the
Rams’ heads and the Pentagram, his symbol on coins of Pitane, supra,
p. 537), and of Aristaeos (Grapes, corn-grains, stars, &c.); cf. Cyrene,
p. 865.
P. 583.
Magnesia Ioniae. Severus Alexander. Rev. ΖЄVC CΩCΙΠΟΛΙC,
Zeus seated, holding Nike (Brit. Mus.).
P. 705.
Amblada. Geta. Rev. Figure of Emperor as ΝЄΟC ΑΡΗC (Imhoof,
Rev. Belge, 1909, p. 242).