
Table of Weights

Attic. �ginetic. Phœnician Rhodian Babylonic. Persic.
Distater or Tetradrachm 17.50g 14.51g 15.55g 22.94g
Stater or Didrachm 8.79 12.57 7.26 7.78 10.95 11.47
½-Stater or Drachm 4.37 6.29 3.63 3.89 5.44 5.70
Third or Tetrobol 2.92 2.40 2.59 3.63 3.82
Fourth or Triobol 2.19 3.11 1.81 1.94 2.72 2.85
Sixth or Diobol 1.46 2.07 1.17 1.30 1.81 1.88
Eighth or Trihemiobol 1.09 1.56 0.91 0.97 1.36 1.43
Twelfth or Obol 0.73 1.04 0.58 0.65 0.91 0.91
(1881 Original gave weights in English grains. Now in grams.)

The above are only the approximate maximum or normal weights of the coins of the principal silver standards in their earliest forms. The more or less steady depreciation of the currency in all parts of the Greek world renders minute accuracy impossible.

The most usual gold standard was the Eubo�c, which was but little lighter in weight than the Attic standard.

Electrum was coined principally on the Phœnician silver standard, except at Cyzicus and Phoc�a, where the stater weighed about 250 grs., which may be a reduction of the Eubo�c gold standard.

The names of the denominations appear to have varied in different localities: thus, the name stater is sometimes applied to the tetradrachm, sometimes the didrachm, and at Cyrene even to the drachm. The Phœnician piece of 224 grs. is frequently also called a didrachm, that of 112 grs. the drachm, and so on. The weight of the Roman denarius, originally 70 grs., was reduced, circa B.C. 217, to 60 grs. The aureus of the time of Julius C�sar weight about 126 grs.; it was reduced by Augustus to about 120 grs.

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