Numismatic title replicas by
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Adamant Media is one of the largest numismatic publishers.
Adamant's 100+ numismatic titles are sold exclusively through
the web site. The company doesn't devote itself
to numismatic titles: they claim to offer over 60,000 'replica
paperback' titles, adding 100 new titles daily!
By reprinting works in the public domain, Adamant doesn't
waste time negotiating copyright clearance from authors'
estates. Books in the Russian State Library and Russian
National Library are scanned cheaply in Russia, and Russian
artists design the new cover art. Books are printed on demand,
reducing inventory costs to zero.
A book listed as shipping in two weeks is that rarest of
editions: no copies exist! Anyone ordering the title is likely to
receive the the very first copy printed. The first order
triggers the scanning process; books that have been scanned
offer sample pages on the web site. Such books will be
printed five minutes after the order is received.
NOTE: These books probably aren't printed at the original size. This
means the coin pictures shrink. For example, a 25mm tetradrachm in
Hunterian is reproduced at 15mm. The Elibron titles I own measure 8¼"x5½". If anyone receives titles which are not that size let me know and I'll note it here. It is possible that titles for which the original is small (e.g. Mionnet) would be enlarged in reprint.
Note: In many cases I wasn't familiar with the book and I used the
ANS Library Catalog
to categorize the works. However, any mistakes are my own.
Note: Elibron sometimes changes the prices.
- Barclay Head. Historia Numorum; a Manual of Greek Numismatics, 1887, $21.95 [Note: The 1887 edition has 150 less pages than the 1911 edition.]
- BMC Greek
- Vol 6. Catalog of Greek Coins. Thessaly to Aetolia, Percy Gardner, 1883, $15.95 [NEW]
- Vol 10. Catalog of Greek Coins. Peloponnesus (excluding Corinth), Percy Gardner, 1887, $15.95 [NEW]
- Vol 12. Catalogue of Greek Coins. Corinth, Colonies of Corinth, etc., Barclay Head, 1889 $15.95
- Vol 13. A Catalogue of Greek Coins in the British Museum. Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and the Kingdom of Bosporus, Warwick Wroth, 1889, $15.95
- Vol 15. Catalogue of the Coins of Alexandria and the Nomes, Reginald Poole, 1892, $20.95
- Vol 16. Catalogue of the Greek Coins of Ionia, Barclay Head, 1892, $21.95
- Vol 23. Catalogue of the Coins of Parthia, Warwick Wroth, 1903, $20.95
- John Lindsay. A View of the History and Coinage of the Parthians. With Descriptive Catalogues and Tables, Illustrated with a Complete Set of Engravings of Coins, a Large Number of Them Unpublished, 1852, $20.95
- Hunterian
- George MacDonald. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow. Volume 1. Italy, Sicily, Macedon, Thrace, and Thessaly, 1899, $21.95
- George MacDonald. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow. Volume 2. North Western Greece, Central Greece, Southern Greece, and Asia Minor, 1901, $21.95
- George MacDonald. Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, University of Glasgow. Volume 3. Further Asia, Northern Africa, Western Europe, 1905, $21.95
- William Waddington. Recueil général des monnaies grecques d'Asie Mineure. Commenc� par feu W. H. Waddington...continu� et compl�t� par E. Babelon, Th. Reinach. Tome 1. Fascicule 1: Pont et Paphlagonie, 1904, $20.95
- Mionnet
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 1, 1806, $21.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. De la raret� et du prix des mèdailles romaines ou recueil contenant les types rares et in�dits des mèdailles d'or, d'argent et de bronze. Tome 1., 1847, $16.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 1. Supplément., 1819, $16.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. De la raret� et du prix des mèdailles romaines ou recueil contenant les types rares et in�dits des mèdailles d'or, d'argent et de bronze. Tome 2., 1806, $21.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 2., 1806, $22.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 2. Supplément., 1822, $21.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 3, 1808, $22.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 3. Supplément, 1824, $21.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 4, 1809, $16.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 5, 1811, $22.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 6, 1813, $22.95
- Th�odore Edme Mionnet. Description de mèdailles antiques, grecques et romaines, avec leur degr� de raret� et leur estimation. Tome 7, 1808, $15.95
- Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer. Lydische StadtMünzen. Neue Untersuchungen, 1897, $20.95
- Ernest Babelon. Manuel d'arch�ologie orientale. Chald�e - Assyrie - Perse - Syrie - Jud�e - Ph�nicie - Carthage, 1838, $15.95
- Ernest Babelon. Les origines de la monnaie consid�r�es au point de vue �conomique et historique, 1897, $16.95
- Arthur Evans. Syracusan 'Medallions' and Their Engravers in the Light of Recent Finds. With Observations on the Chronology and Historical Occasions of the Syracusan Coin-Types of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B. C. and an Essay on Some New Artists' Signatures on Sicilian Coins, 1892, $15.95
- Catalogue the Collection of Greek Coins in Gold, Silver, Electrum and Bronze of a Late Collector. Many Selected from the Following Well-Known Collections: Wigan, Bompois, de Quelen ..., which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1900, $14.95
- Catalogue of Greek Coins, in Gold, Electrum and Silver. The Property of a Well-Known Archaeologist and Traveller, Collected Principally in Sicily and South Italy, Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1898, eBook: $9.95
- Catalogue of the Valuable and Extensive Collection of Greek, Roman, English and Other Coins. The Property of John Glas Sandeman, Which will be Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 1911, $15.95
- Esprit Cousinéry. Voyage dans la Mac�doine. Contenant des recherches sur l'histoire, la g�ographie et les antiquités de ce pays, Tome 1, 1831, $16.95
- Esprit Cousinéry. Voyage dans la Mac�doine. Contenant des recherches sur l'histoire, la g�ographie et les antiquités de ce pays. Tome 2. 1832, $15.95
- Charles Paul Landon, Th�ophile Marion Dumersan. Numismatique du voyage du jeune Anacharsis, ou M�dailles des beaux temps de la Gr�ce. Ouvrage d�di� au Roi, et publi� par C.P. Landon, accompagn� de descriptions et d'un essai sur la science des mèdailles par M. Dumersan, 1823, $15.95
- Polydore Vacquier. Numismatique des Scythes et des Sarmates. Kerkinitis et Tanna�s.
- Jean Barth�lemy. OEuvres de J. J. Barth�lemy. Tome 4. Partie 1. OEuvres diverses. Langues. Numismatique. Inscriptions. Partie 2. OEuvres diverses. Monuments. Antiquit�s du Nouveau Monde. G�ographie. Histoire. Philosophie. Litt�rature et arts. Correspondance. Table générale du voyage d'Anacharsis, 1821, $22.95
- Adrien Blanchet. Les monnaies grecques. Par Adrien Blanchet.
- Hugo Gaebler. Erythr�. Untersuchungen �ber die Geschichte und die Verfassung der Stadt im Zeitalter des Hellenismus.
- Alfred von Sallet. Die Daten der Alexandrinischen KaiserMünzen, 1870, $10.95
- Alfred von Sallet. Die F�rsten von Palmyra unter Gallenius, Claudius und Aurelian.
- Domenico Sestini. Descrizione delle medaglie antiche greche del Museo Hedervariano dal Chersoneso Taurico fino a tutta la Tessaglia e isole appartenenti alla medesima e alla Macedonia. Parte Europea. Per Domenico Sestini.
- Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy, Mir Khwand. M�moires sur diverses antiquités de la Perse et sur les mèdailles des rois de la dynastie des Sassanides. Suivis de l'histoire de cette dynastie, traduite du persan de Mirkhond, 1793, $16.95
- Cohen [Note: This 1859-1868 first edition does not match to RIC. It was done by Cohen himself, and is not the 1880-1892 edition usually cited today.]
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 1, 1859. $16.95
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 2, 1859, $21.95
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 3, 1860, $21.95
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 4, 1860, $16.95
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 5, 1861, $21.95
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 6, 1862, $21.95
- Henry Cohen. Description historique des monnaies frapp�es sous l'Empire Romain. Tome 7, 1868, $16.95
- John Akerman. A Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Unedited Roman Coins: from the Earliest Period of the Roman Coinage, to the Extinction of the Empire under Constantinus Paleologos. With numerous plates from the originals. Volume I, 1834, $21.95
- John Akerman. A Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Unedited Roman Coins: from the Earliest Period of the Roman Coinage, to the Extinction of the Empire under Constantinus Paleologos. With numerous plates from the originals. Volume II, 1834, $16.95
- Frederic Madden. Christian Emblems on the Coins of Constantine I. the Great, His Family, and His Successions, 1878, $15.95
- Henri Hoffmann. Catalogue des mèdailles romaines composant la collection de feu M. le Marquis de Moustier r�dig� sous la direction de M. H. Hoffmann, 1872, $16.95
- William Lowndes. A Report Containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins, 1695, $15.95
- James Atkins. The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire, 1889, $16.95
- Herbert Grueber. Handbook of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum. With preface by Barclay Vincent Head, 1899, $16.95
- A Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum. Anglo-Saxon series. Volume 1. Edited by Reginald Stuart Poole. 1887, $20.95
- A Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum. Anglo-Saxon series. Volume 2. Edited by Herbert Appold Grueber and Charles Francis Keary. 1893, $26.95
- Gertrude Rawlings. The Story of the British Coinage.
- Descriptive Catalogue of Swiss Coins in the South Kensington Museum. Bequeathed by the Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend. With Introductory and Historical Notices by Reginald Stuart Poole. 1878, $26.95
- Warwick Wroth. Catalogue of the Coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Lombards and of the Empires of Thessalonica, Nicaea and Trebizond in the British Museum. With a preface by H. A. Grueber. 1911, $16.95
- Anatole de Barth�lemy. Nouveau manuel complet de numismatique du moyen �ge et moderne. 1852, $21.95
- Arthur Engel, Raymond Serrure. Traité de numismatique du Moyen �ge. Tome 1.
- Arthur Engel, Raymond Serrure. Traité de numismatique du Moyen �ge. Tome 2.
- Arthur Engel, Raymond Serrure. Traité de numismatique du Moyen �ge. Tome 3.
- Ernest Babelon. Les derniers Carolingiens, d'apr�s Richer et d'autres sources originales. Texte traduit et �tabli par Ernest Babelon. 1878, $20.95
- �tienne Cartier. Recherches sur les monnaies au type chartrain frapp�es � Chartres, Blois, Vend�me, Ch�teaudun, Nogent-le-Rotrou (P�rche), St. Aignan, Celles, Romorantin, Brosse, etc. 1846, $15.95
- Julius Friedlaender. Die Münzen der Ostgoten. 1844, $12.95
- Catalog einer Thaler- und Medaillensammlung mit beigef�gten Verkaufspreisen. Herausgegeben von Adolph Hess.
- James Prinsep. Essays on Indian Antiquities, Historic, Numismatic, and Palaeographic. To which are added his useful tables, illustrative of Indian history, chronology, modern coinages, weights, measures, etc. Volume 1. $16.95
- James Prinsep. Essays on Indian Antiquities, Historic, Numismatic, and Palaeographic. To which are added his useful tables, illustrative of Indian history, chronology, modern coinages, weights, measures, etc. Volume 2. $15.95
- Edgar Thurston. Note on the History of the East India Company Coinage from 1753-1835.. eBook: $4.95
- James Prinsep. Useful Tables, illustrative of the Coins, Weights, and Measures of British India. Together with Chronological Tables and Genealogical List, Having Reference to India and Other Kingdoms of Asia. $16.95
- Victor Langlois. Numismatique de la G�orgie au Moyen �ge. eBook: $9.95
- Ivan Bartolomei. Seconde lettre de M. le général J. de Bartholom�i � M. F. Soret sur des monnaies koufiques in�dites. eBook: $9.95
- Ivan Bartolomei. Troisi�me lettre de M. le général J. de Bartholom�i � M. F. Soret sur des monnaies koufiques in�dites, trouv�es en G�orgie. Septi�me lettre sur les mèdailles orientales in�dites de la collection de M. Soret. $14.95
- Ivan Bartolomei. Quatri�me lettre de M. le général J. de Bartholom�i � M. F. Soret sur des monnaies orientales in�dites. Huiti�me lettre sur les monnaies orientales in�dites de la collection de M. Soret. $14.95
Biblical and Jewish
- Celestino Cavedoni. Biblische Numismatik, oder Erkl�rung der in der heil. Schrift erw�hnten alten Münzen. Aus dem Italienischen �bersetzt und mit Zus�tzen versehen von August Carl Ernst von Werlhof. Teil 1. $15.95
- Celestino Cavedoni. Biblische Numismatik, oder Erkl�rung der in der heil. Schrift erw�hnten alten Münzen. Aus dem Italienischen �bersetzt und mit Zus�tzen versehen von August Carl Ernst von Werlhof. Teil 2. $15.95
- Th�odore Reinach. Les monnaies juives. $14.95
Odd and Curious
- Edward Hawkins. Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the Death of George II. Volume 1, 1885, $22.95
- Edward Hawkins. Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the Death of George II. Volume 2. $23.95
- Collection de portraits des contemporains d'apr�s les m�daillons de P. J. David, d'Angers, 1838, $15.95
- Lebrun, Desir� Magnier. Nouveau manuel complet du mouleur en pl�tre au ciment, � l'argile, � la cire, � la g�latine, traitant du moulage du carton, du carton-pierre, [?] etc. Suivi du Moulage et du clichage des mèdailles par mm. Robert et de Valicourt, 1875, $16.95
- C. Laverrenz. Die Medaillen und Ged�chtniszeichen der deutschen Hochschulen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte aller seit dem XIV. Jahrhundert in Deutschland errichteten Universit�ten. Teil 1.
- C. Laverrenz. Die Medaillen und Ged�chtniszeichen der deutschen Hochschulen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Universit�ten Deutschlands. Teil 2.
Counterfeits and forgeries
- Alexander Del Mar. A History of Money in Ancient Countries From the Earliest Times to the Present, 1885, $16.95
- William Ellis. The Antiquities of Heraldry. Collected from the Literature, Coins, Gems, Vases, and Other Monuments of Pre-christian and Mediaeval Times. $16.95
- Christopher Howgego. Ancient History from Coins, 1995 eBook: $20.33
- Jules Lefebvre. Traité �l�mentaire de numismatique g�nerale. $16.95
- Fran�ois Lenormant. Monnaies et mèdailles. $16.95
- Spink & Son's Monthly Numismatic Circular. Volume 4. 37 - 48. No.December 1895 - November 1896. $15.95
- Spink & Son's Monthly Numismatic Circular. Volume 5. No. 49 - 60. December 1896 - November 1897. $15.95
- Spink & Son's Monthly Numismatic Circular. Volume 3. No. 25 - 36. December 1894 - November 1895. $15.95
- B. de K�hne. M�moires de la société d'arch�ologie et de numismatique de St. P�tersbourg, Tome 1, 1847, $16.95
- B. de K�hne. M�moires de la société d'arch�ologie et de numismatique de St. P�tersbourg. Tome 2, 1848, $16.95
- B. de K�hne. M�moires de la société d'arch�ologie et de numismatique de St. P�tersbourg. Tome 3, ?, $16.95
- Cabinet numismatique. Collection Reichel. eBook: $9.95
- Jouffroy d'Eschavannes. Traité complet de la science du blason. � l'usage des bibliophiles, arch�ologues, amateurs d'objets d'art et de curiosit�, numismates, archivistes, artistes, etc. $15.95
- Albert Lecoy de la Marche. Les sceaux. $16.95
- Pierre Robert. Note sur les monnais provinoises des comtes de Champagne. Extrait des Travaux de l'Acad�mie Imp�riale de Reims. eBook: $9.95
- Pierre Robert. Sigillographie de toul. $15.95
- Alphonse Chassant, Pierre Delbarre. Dictionnaire de sigillographie pratique. Contenant toute les notions propres � facilitier l'�tude et l'interpr�tation des sceaux du moyen age. $15.95
- Otto Retowski. Die Münzen der Komnenen von Trapezunt. [Von] O. Retowski.
- William Shaw. The History of Currency: 1252 to 1894, 1895, $16.95
- Alexander Del Mar. A History of the Precious Metals from the Earliest Times to the Present, 1902, $16.95
- Matsukata Masayoshi. Report on the Adoption of the Gold Standard in Japan, 1899, $16.95
- John Gray. Lectures on the Nature and Use of Money. Delivered before the Members of the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, 1848, $16.95
- John Norman. Norman's Single Grain System for Determining the Par Value of All Moneys of Account and Gold and Silver Coins between All Countries. Also for Ascertaining the Comparative Weights of Fine Gold or Silver Indicated by Relative Prices throughout the World. eBook: $9.95
- William Fleetwood. Chronicon Preciosum: or, an Account of English Money, the Price of Corn, and Other Commodities, for the Last 600 Years. In a Letter to a Student in the University of Oxford. $18.95
- Henry Sealy. A Treatise on Coins, Currency, and Banking. With Observations on the Bank Act of 1844 and on the Reports of the Committees of the House of Lords and of the House of Commons on the Bank Acts. Part I. $15.95
- Henry Sealy. A Treatise on Coins, Currency, and Banking. With Observations on the Bank Act of 1844 and on the Reports of the Committees of the House of Lords and of the House of Commons on the Bank Acts. Part II. $15.95
- A. Frichot. �tudes mon�taires au point de vue de l'adoption par tous les peuples de l'uniformit� de poids, de mesures et de monnaies. $15.95
Other stuff
- Elibron's Museums & Collections category. (See also titles in [French], [German], [Italian], [Russian], [Spanish]).
- Elibron's Antiques & Collectibles category. (See also titles in [French], [German], [Italian], [Russian]).
- Elibron's Archaeology category. (See also [Danish], [French], [German], [Italian], Latin, [Spanish]).
- Elibron's Ancient History category. (See also titles in [French], [German], [Greek], [Italian], [Latin], [Russian], [Spanish]).
- Elibron's Financial Services & Institutions category...
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